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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Course Finder is a page that allows you to search for courses by category using filters

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Computer Science

In Grade 1 Computer Science, students will read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential events, and describe how changes to the code affect the o...

Language Arts

In Grade 1 Language, our students are introduced to words and language in several ways. By learning various texts and forms of media, they will develop the foundational k...


In Grade 1 Math, our students are introduced to numbers in various ways. By exploring basic concepts such as addition, subtraction, measurement, and patterns, they will ...


In Grade 1 Science, our students are introduced to science and its place in the world. They will learn about living things, simple structures, the sun, and energy and bet...

Social Studies

In Grade 1 Social Studies, our students are introduced to changing roles and responsibilities in the local community. They will also investigate their local community, st...

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