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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Child Care

Programs at OSA


Sensplex are Coming in 2024!

We will be offering childcare options right at your neighbourhood Sensplex. With before and after-school programs in the Sensplex, we will have programs to support the needs of all families, whether that be solely childcare or being able to attend childcare and a Sensplex development program.

Before and after-school Extended Day Program

Our Extended Day Program offers your child a fun, safe, welcoming environment focusing on educational and recreational activities before and after School. Our daily programming may include arts & crafts, sports, homework help, and drama. Parents may take advantage of the daycare in the Sensplex and sign their child up for programs run by the Ottawa Sensplex Hockey Program or other Community Programs. Our staff will facilitate the drop-off and pick-up of children to the Sensplex programs they are registered in. These extra programs will be an additional cost. You may register your child in our morning, afternoon, or both programs for 2-5 consecutive days a week. We will coordinate with local school buses to get a drop-off and pick-up at the Sensplex.

Our morning program operates from 7:00 am until the last school bus pick-up on regular school days. Our afternoon program starts following school dismissal until 6:00 pm. We will only operate on PD days and March Break if there is enough interest to warrant running the program, and in that case, our program will run from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. We anticipate limited spaces and full-day fees will be charged separately.

Will we be licensed through Canada’s new CWELCC program?

We hope so! We are doing work now to become licensed before we open our doors. Keep an eye on our webpage, as we will keep you updated. If you
want to learn more about this upcoming program and to be put on an email list to receive updates, please input your information below.

What are the rights of the Exceptional student?

All students formally identified as exceptional by an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) must have access to an education that will enable them to develop the knowledge and skills they need in order to participate in the life of Ontario’s communities. The Education Act requires school boards to provide in accordance with the regulations special education programs and special education services for its exceptional pupils. Specific procedures for the identification and placement of exceptional pupils are set out in Regulation 181/98. This regulation also provides for the regular review of the identification and placement of a student and for the appeal of identification and/or placement decisions with which parents/guardians disagree. The document, Highlights of Regulation 181/98, is available on this website.

What is OSA Private School’s role?

  • OSA Private School must develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every full time identified student. OSA Private School  also has the discretion to develop an IEP for students who have not been formally identified as exceptional, but who are receiving special education programs and/or special education services.
  • An IEP is a written plan describing the special education program and/or services required by a particular student, based on a thorough assessment of the student’s strengths and needs that affect the student’s ability to learn and demonstrate learning.
  • A student’s IEP must typically have a direct progress reporting link to the Report Card. If the student has an existing IEP, please send a copy of this IEP to OSA Private School upon registration.

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