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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Triangulation of assessment using conversation, observation, and product to assess students. What does this mean?

Assessment is one of the key factors in education. It is the essential tool that educators use to measure, evaluate, and document students’ academic progress, attainment, and readiness. Therefore, we have different assessments targeting different aspects of students’ learning and academic progress.

The Triangulation Approach

In the social sciences, Triangulation of methods refers to instances where two or more processes are employed to study the same phenomenon. When utilized to assess education, Triangulation involves using multiple methods to gather a more complete and accurate picture of student learning. One way to use Triangulation in assessment is to combine conversation, observation, and product assessment methods. So let’s look deeper into the three stages of Triangulation in assessment.


Conversation can be a powerful tool for assessing student learning. By engaging students in discussions about their work and ideas, educators can gain insight into their understanding of the material and identify areas where they may need additional support. They can use this information to modify, alter, and develop their instructional and academic processes. Casual conversations between teachers and students occur during or after the sessions and break time which is an excellent chance for a teacher to judge a student’s language skills accurately.


Observation can also be a valuable method of assessment. By observing students as they work, educators can gain a sense of their engagement, motivation, and understanding of student behaviour. In most cases, teachers observe students’ engagement and behaviour in the classroom to monitor class and adjust students’ behaviour. These observations can be documented using a running record or checklist and identify and highlight the specific data segment during the designated observation day. Additionally, teachers should take subjective notes about their observations which should target a clear record of evidence of what a student is doing, how they are working, which concepts the student has grasped, and which ideas the student still struggles with. To make this process worthwhile, the teacher may choose only to observe a few students in one class period, enabling the teacher to observe the selected students for extended periods and during different activities and contexts.

Product Assessment

Product assessment involves evaluating students’ completed work, such as essays, projects, or tests, to assess their understanding and skills. These products demonstrate the student’s capabilities and attainment after the learning process. Furthermore, assessment coordinators collaborate with the teachers to make judgments and adjust students’ learning processes according to their needs.

Triangulation of assessment can be a powerful tool for educators to identify areas where students need additional support and gain a well-rounded understanding of student learning. This will help ensure that all the students have ample opportunity to flourish and realize their maximum potential. At KAI Global School, we believe in helping our students reach their full potential.

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