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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Exploring Technologies (TIJ1O)

Course Code



Ottawa - Ontario - Canada

+500 students approved this course

About the course

This course enables students to further explore and develop technological knowledge and skills introduced in the elementary science and technology program. Students will be given the opportunity to design and create products and/or provide services related to the various technological areas or industries, working with a variety of tools, equipment, and software commonly used in industry. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways leading to careers in technology-related fields.

Overrall expectations

By the end of the course you will:

Technology Fundamentals

By the end of this course, students will:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts and skills required in the planning and development of a product or service, including the use of a design process and/or other problem-solving processes and techniques;
  • demonstrate the ability to use a variety of appropriate methods to communicate ideas and solutions;
  • evaluate products or services in relation to specifications, user requirements, and operating conditions.
TEchnological Skills

By the end of this course, students will:

  • use problem-solving processes and project-management strategies in the planning and fabrication of a product or delivery of a service;
  • fabricate products or deliver services, using a variety of resources.
Technology, the enviroment and the society

By the end of this course, students will:

  • demonstrate an awareness of the effects of various technologies on the environment;
  • demonstrate an awareness of how various technologies affect society, as well as how society influences technological developments.
Professional practice and career opportunities

By the end of this course, students will:

  • follow safe practices and procedures when using materials, tools, and equipment;
  • identify careers in various technological fields, and describe the educational requirements for them.

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