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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Course Finder is a page that allows you to search for courses by category using filters

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Computer Science

In Grade 3 Computer Science, students will have a deeper understanding of how to read and alter existing code, including sequential events. The course begins with a revie...

Language Arts

In Grade 3 Language, students will explore the four units: writing, oral communication, reading and media literacy.


In Grade 3 Math, students will explore numbers and operations, patterns and variables, probability and graphs, measurement, and money concepts. They will continue their j...


In Grade 3 Science, students will explore the four units: growth and changes in plants, strong and stable structures, forces causing movement, and soils in the environmen...

Social Studies

In Grade 3 Social Studies, students will discover communities in Canada from 1780 to 1850. They will analyze the impacts of new settlements on the environment. Students w...

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