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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Geography (CGC1D)

Course Code



Ottawa - Ontario - Canada

+500 students approved this course

About the course

This course examines interrelationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore environmental, economic, and social geographic issues relating to topics such as transportation options, energy choices, and urban development. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place in which to live. Curriculum Policy Document: Canadian and World Studies, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2013

Overrall expectations

By the end of the course you will:

Geographic inquiry and skill development

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating issues relating to Canadian geography.
  • Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills, including spatial technology skills, developed through the investigation of Canadian geography, and identify some careers in which a background in geography might be an asset


Reflecting, responding, analysing

By the end of this course, students will:

  • The Physical Environment and Human Activities: analyse various interactions between physical processes, phenomena, and events and human activities in Canada.(FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
  • Interrelationships between Physical Systems, Processes, and Events: analyse characteristics of various physical processes, phenomena, and events affecting Canada and their interrelationship with global physical systems. (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
Managing canada's resources and industries

By the end of this course, students will:

  • The Sustainability of Resources: analyse impacts of resource policy, resource management, and consumer choices on resource sustainability in Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
  • The Development of Resources: analyse issues related to the distribution, availability, and development of natural resources in Canada from a geographic perspective (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
Changing Populations

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Population Issues: analyse selected national and global population issues and their implications for Canada. (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends)
  •  Immigration and Cultural Diversity: describe the diversity of Canada’s population, and assess some social, economic, political, and environmental implications of immigration and diversity for Canada (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
Liveable Communities

By the end of this course, students will:

  • The Sustainability of Human Systems: analyse issues relating to the sustainability of human systems in Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
  •  Impacts of Urban Growth: analyse impacts of urban growth in Canada (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
    The growth of urban settlements has an impact on the economy, the natural environment, society, and politics.

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