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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Religion (HRE1O)

Course Code



Ottawa - Ontario - Canada

+500 students approved this course

About the course

This course invites students to a deeper understanding of the joy and the demands of walking in Christ’s footsteps and living out the call to discipleship as described in the Scriptures. Students examine the attitudes and actions that characterize the Christian life using the Beatitudes as a touchstone. Students will investigate a wide range of topics related to the themes of personhood, interpersonal relationships, and sexuality. They are encouraged to understand and cultivate the virtues that will allow them to deepen their relationship with God in and through Christ in the context of a Spirit-filled Life.

Overrall expectations

By the end of the course you will:

Called to Journey

By the end of this course, students will:

  • understand what it means to be called to journey by examining the past
  • understand what it means to be themselves and what relationship means
  • understand religious experience and engage in breaking open God’s Word to deepen their relationship with God and others through prayer
  • understand the nature of moral decision making
Called to Wholeness

By the end of this course, students will:

  • analyse creation accounts of Genesis through an understanding of Hebrew cosmology
  • explore questions of how science informs faith and faith informs science to further understand the sacredness of life in the creation account and to act as
    faithful stewards of creation
  • acknowledge that all life is sacred and that they are created by God, value their self-worth, femaleness
    maleness, and sexuality as gifts
  • images of God and Jesus will lead to an appreciation of God’s love for them in the Incarnation
Called to Love

By the end of this course, students will:

  • apply the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes to their own lives
  • use the theme of relationships to provide the focus for a discussion of covenant in their own lives
  • use 1 Corinthians 13 as the framework for examining healthy and broken personal relationships
  • the importance of healing and reconciling broken relationships

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