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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Photography (AWQ2O)


Ottawa - Ontario - Canada

+500 students approved this course

About the course

This course gives students a solid foundation in the fundamentals of black and white photography. Students will learn to use a 35mm camera, develop film and print photographs. In addition, students will learn the basics of digital photography, taking digital photos and doing basic editing in Adobe Photoshop. Through technical skill building and creative problem solving, students will learn how to use the elements and principles of composition to create meaningful images. The emphasis will be on the process of creative exploration and experimentation. In addition to the technical learning and creative expression involved in this course, students will also learn about the history of photography, its development and its many and varied purposes and forms. Students will also learn to analyze, interpret and evaluate their photographs and those of other photographers. Curriculum Policy Document: Revised Visual Arts Curriculum, 2010

Overrall expectations

By the end of the course you will:

Creating And Presenting

By the end of this course, students will:

  • The Creative Process: apply the stages of the creative process when performing notated and/or improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
  • The Elements of Music: apply elements of music when performing notated and improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
  • Techniques and Technologies: use a variety of techniques and technological tools when performing music and composing and/or arranging music.
Reflecting, Responding, And Andanalysing

By the end of this course, students will:

  • The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
  • Music and Society: demonstrate an understanding of how traditional, commercial, and art music reflect the society in which they were created and how they have affected communities or cultures;
  • Skills and Personal Growth: demonstrate an understanding of how performing, creating, and critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;
  • Connections Beyond the Classroom: identify and describe various opportunities for continued engagement in music.

By the end of this course, students will:

  • Theory and Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of music theory with respect to concepts of notation and the elements and other components of music, and use appropriate terminology relating to them;
  • Characteristics and Development of Music: demonstrate an understanding of the history of some musical forms and of characteristics of types of music from around the world;
  • Conventions and Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices and performance conventions relating to music.

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