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| Global School. Educational Innovation

| BSID 882692

Course Finder is a page that allows you to search for courses by category using filters

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Business (BBI2O)

This course introduces you to the world of business. Students will develop an understanding of the functions of business, including accounting, marketing, information and...


Careers (GLC2O)

This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, work, and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills,...


Civics (CHV2O)

This course explores rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society. Students will explore issues of civics importance such a...


Design Your Future (GWL3O)

This course prepares students to make successful transitions to post-secondary destinations as they investigate specific post-secondary options based on their skills, int...



This course further extends students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English for a variety of everyday and academic purposes. Students will make s...



This course prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in classroom and social situations and to participate in Canadian society as informed ci...



This course provides students with the skills and strategies they need to make the transition to college and university preparation courses in English and other secondary...


Healthy Active Living (PPL1O)

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a w...


Healthy Active Living (PPL2O)

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a w...


Healthy Living and Personal and Fitness Activities (PAF3O)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through parti...


Learning Strategies (GLE2O)

This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent  learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy ...


Literacy Skills: Reading and Writing (ELS2O)

This course is designed to help students strengthen essential reading and writing skills, providing them with the extra literacy support they need in order to graduate. S...


Media Arts (ASM2O)

This course enables students to create media art works by exploring new media, emerging technologies such as digital animation, and a variety of traditional art forms suc...


Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OLC4O)

This course is designed to help students acquire and demonstrate the cross-curricular literacy skills evaluated by the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Stu...


Photography (AWQ2O)

This course gives students a solid foundation in the fundamentals of black and white photography. Students will learn to use a 35mm camera, develop film and print photogr...

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